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    Introduction date December 13, 2007 Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and Social
    Development Order No.4785-Пр/07 dd.13/12/2007

    download instruction

    General information

    Registration number

    Р N001926/01

    Trade name


    Chemical name

    Benzyl-dimetyl-[3-(tetradecanoylamino)propyl]azanium chloride

    Medicinal form

    topical solution


    Active substance: benzyl dimethyl[3-(myristoylamine)-propyl] ammonium chloride monohydrate (on an anhydrous substance basis) – 0.1
    Excipient: purified water – ad 1 l


    colorless transparent liquid forming foam when shaken

    Therapeutic category

    antiseptic medicine

    ATX code


    Storage temperature

    up to 25°С

    Shelf life

    3 years

    Prescription status

    Over the counter

    Forms of issue

    Solution for topical application 0.01%. Each bottle of 50 ml, 150 ml, 500 ml, together with instructions for use, are placed in a cardboard box.

    For hospitals: 12 bottles of 500 ml each without a pack with an equal number of instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box for consumer packaging.

    Indications, method of administration and doses


    Adults and children

    In case of maxillary sinusitis, flush the maxillary antrum with a sufficient amount of Miramistin® during the puncture.
    Acute and chronic external otitis: instill up to 5 drops of the medicine in the external auditory canal 4 times a day using a dropping pipette or, instead of instillation, place a gauze drain impregnated with the medicine in the external auditory canal 4 times a day. The period of treatment is 10 days.
    Tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and laryngitis:
    Children of 3-6: press the head of the spray nozzle once or use 3-5 ml of the medicine per one gargling 3-4 times a day;
    Children of 7-14: press the head of the spray nozzle two times or use 5-7 ml of the medicine per one gargling 3-4 times a day;
    Children over 14 and adults: Press the head of the spray nozzle 3-4 times or use 10-15 ml of the medicine per one gargling 3-4 times a day.
    The period of treatment varies from 4 to 10 days depending on the start of remission.

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    Combustiology (burns)

    Adults and children

    For the purpose of treatment and prevention of repeated introduction of infection in wounds, irrigate the surface of wounds with Miramistin solution®. Attach gauze tampons impregnated with Miramistin® solution on the wound surface. Tampons can be inserted in wounds and/or fistulous passages during surgical manipulations, as necessary. Active draining of wounds and/or cavities is possible. The daily flow of Miramistin® is up to 1 l per day.

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    Prevention and treatment of puerperal trauma suppuration, perineal and vaginal wounds, obstetric infections: Use Miramistin® in the form of vaginal irrigation prior to the delivery (for 5-7 days), during the delivery after every examination. In the postpartum period, Miramistin® is used in the form of tampons wetted with 50 ml of the medicine applied for 2 hours for 5 days.
    In case of operative delivery by means of C-section, treat the vagina immediately before the operation, apply the medicine on the uterine cavity and the uterine incision during the operation, and during the postoperative period insert tampons impregnated with Miramistin® in the vagina for 2 hours for 7 days.
    Inflammatory diseases are treated in the form of a course of medication during 2 weeks by inserting tampons impregnated with Miramistin® in the vagina or by medical ionization.
    Complex treatment of inflammatory conditions in gynecology (vulvovaginitis): Perform vaginal irrigation or insert tampons wetted with Miramistin® for 2 hours for 7-14 days (the duration of treatment and frequency of administration are to be defined by medical prescription).
    For convenience, use the gynecologic nozzle for vaginal irrigations. Use the gynecologic nozzle to introduce the contents of the bottle in the vagina and perform irrigation.


    The application method, duration of treatment and frequency of administration are to be defined by medical prescription.

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    As part of complex treatment of urethritis and urethroprostatitis, inject 2-3 ml of Miramistin® in the urethra 1-2 times a day for 10 days. Children
    The application method, duration of treatment and frequency of administration are to be defined by medical prescription.
    If the treatment produces no positive effect or the symptoms become more intense, or new symptoms appear, consult the doctor. Use the medicine only according to the administration method and in the doses specified in the Instruction.

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    Adults and children

    Treatment and prevention of pyodermia and dermatomycosis, cutaneous and mucous candidosis, foot mycosis: apply Miramistin® to the affected skin area by cleaning it with sterile gauze sponges amply wetted with the medicine. Miramistin® is used 3 times a day on the affected skin areas.

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    Adults and children

    For the purpose of treatment and prevention of repeated introduction of infection in wounds, irrigate the surface of wounds with Miramistin solution®. Attach gauze tampons impregnated with Miramistin® solution on the wound surface. Tampons can be inserted in wounds and/or fistulous passages during surgical manipulations, as necessary. Active draining of wounds and/or cavities is possible. The daily flow of Miramistin® is up to 1 l per day.

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    Attachments Use


    Remove the cap and the special urological applicator from the 50 ml bottle


    Take out the enclosed spray nozzle from the protective packaging


    Attach the spray nozzle to the bottle


    Activate the spray nozzle by repeated pressing


    Remove the cap from the bottle.


    Take out the enclosed gynecologic nozzle from the protective packaging.


    Attach the gynecologic nozzle to the bottle without removing the urologic applicator.


    Pharmacological properties

    Miramistin has a wide antimicrobial effect, including hospital strains resistant to antibiotics.The medicine has a significant antimicrobial effect against gram-positive (Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Streptococcus pneumoniae) and gram-negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp.), aerobic and anaerobic bacteria in the form of one-species cultures and microbial associations, including polyresistant hospital strains.It has an antifungal effect on ascomycetes of Aspergillus and Penicillium genera, yeasts (Rhodotorula rubra, Torulopsis glabrata) and yeast-like fungi (Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Candida krusei, Pityrosporum orbiculare (Malassezia furfur), dermatophytes (Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton verrucosum, Trichophyton schoenleini, Trichophyton violacent, Epidermophyton Kaufman-Wolf, Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum gypseum, Microsporum canis) in the form of one-species cultures and microbial associations, including fungous microflora resistant to chemotherapeutic compounds.It produces an antiviral action and is active against complex viruses (herpes, human immunodeficiency viruses).Miramistin® is active against sexually transmitted pathogens (Chlamydia spp., Treponema spp., Trichomonas vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae).It effectively prevents the ingress of infection to wounds and burns and activates regenerative processes. It stimulates defensive reactions in the place of administration and intensifies the activity of monocyte-macrophagal system by activating the absorption and digestion functions of phagocytes. Miramistin is characterized by a significant hyperosmolar activity, which is why it stops the wound and perifocal inflammation and absorbs purulent effluent contributing to the formation of a dry scab. It does not damage granulation tissues and vital skin cells and does not suppress marginal epithelialization.It has no local irritant effect or allergizing properties.


    Hypersensitivity to the active substance. Using the medicine in the form of spray to irrigate the throat and tonsils for children under the age of 3 is not recommended due to the risk of reactive laryngospasm.

    Side effects

    Slight burning that disappears on its own in 15-20 seconds and does not require the medicine withdrawal. Allergic reactions.

    Drug-to-drug interaction

    When used together with antibiotics, the medicine enhances their antibacterial and antifungal properties.
    med icon


    Manufactured by

    12, Kommunalnaya St., Bagrationovsk, Bagrationovsky District, Kaliningrad Region, Russia, 238420 Tel.: (4012) 31-03-66

    Organization authorized to accept customer complaints:

    INFAMED LLC Office 9, 2nd floor, bldg. 473, territory of VZ GIAP JSC industrial zone, Vidnoe, Leninsky District, Moscow Region, Russia, 142700 Tel.: 8 (800) 700-48-12; e-mail: infamed@infamed.ru; website: www.miramistin.ru

    Privacy Policy

    We inform you that any messages related to safety and quality of our products received by «INFAMED» LLC via e-mail, phone call or written notification are subject to mandatory processing with their further protection in accordance with The Russian Federal Law on Personal Data (No. 152-FZ).

    By sending a message to «INFAMED» LLC you confirm your consent on processing (collection, storage, update and alteration), systematization, accumulation, use, distribution, transfer, depersonalization, blocking and annihilation of your personal data by LLC «INFAMED».

    The legal basis for the processing of personal data is a set of legal acts (https://infamed.ru/doc/politika_zashiti_i_obrabotki_dannih.pdf) of Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare in accordance with legislation of Russian Federation.

    This consent is valid from the date of submission to INFAMED LLC and can be withdrawn by sending a written notification at the following address: 142700, Moscow region, Leninsky district, Vidnoye, the territory of the Industrial Zone of VZ GIAP JSC, building 473, floor 2, room 9.

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    Вы переходите на внешний ресурс, предоставляемый в информационных целях. ООО «ИНФАМЕД» не осуществляет проверку и не несет ответственность за размещенную на внешних ресурсах информацию. Данная ссылка не является единственной, содержащей информацию о ценах. Вы можете найти другие ресурсы в сети Интернет